
Posted by
Paul Wackell – Imagine Web Designs
Principal Website Designer – Marketing Consultant

Following the very popular Snickers Superbowl ad featuring Betty White (1,391,771 views to date)  playing a rather rough and tumble game of football, her popularity, while still high, soared. A Facebook campaign was started to encourage Saturday Night Live to invite her to guest host and to convince Betty to accept.

To date the Facebook page has 512, 671 fans and it has taken on a life of its own. The mainstream media picked up on the campaign and began reporting on it. Entertainment talk show hosts discussed it in their daily headlines. It has become an online viral phenomenon!

It worked, Saturday Night Live has invited Betty and she has accepted. Betty will be hosting on Saturday May 8th!! In a recent interview Betty mentioned that years ago she had been invited on 3 separate occasions to host but had declined each time as she wasn’t sure why they wanted her to host. She was absolutely amazed at the sensation the Facebook campaign caused and sited that as why she accepted the invitation.

As a huge fan on Betty’s going back to her days as Sue Ann Nivens on the Mary Tyler Moore Show to her appearances as Dr. Shirley Flott on Ally McBeal and as the quirky fun loving multiple murder Catherine Piper on Boston Legal, I am firmly convinced she is a comic genius. She’s also not afraid to show her saucier sideas  in Lake Placid (beware – not for the uptight)(part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4, part 5 ) and the Comedy Central Roast of William Shatner.  I can’t wait to see her in May.

The message to glean from this, beside the fact that I’m a fan of Betty White, is the impact Facebook can have on a TV Show, on the  Network and Cable News Shows, on Entertainment shows, the Blogosphere and more. Perhaps you should be putting more of an effort into your Facebook marketing campaign.

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